Comic backing board 26.7 cm x 17.2 cm (10.5 in x 6.75 in),
Update: SOLD
€170 (+ €13 Registered post to Ireland; €15-€25 to rest of world)
The final painting of the night, and of the whole 5-night extravaganza, the 30th painting – is back to Connemara but this time we leave the coast and waters behind. It’s a cottage. As the title suggests, this is not the first time I’ve painted a cottage in west County Galway. It’s because they keep building them with great backdrops. This one was somewhere between Renvyle and Kylemore, and when I saw the ridge behind it littered with five million rocks – I saw music. The sheer number of rocks, their arrangement as they cascade down to another hill where a cottage sits, well all those rocks as the light hits them, the clouds coming and going as the greys of the rocks light up and change colour, they just play the most magnificent music as sight and sound blend.
So I was obviously going to paint it. Plus the cottage inevitably overlooks a bog. What a place to die happy.
UPDATE: This painting is now SOLD.
If you would like to buy my “Connemara Cottage III” painting please either message me privately by any method or publicly post a comment below the painting on my website or on Facebook, and if you do so before anybody else I’ll mark it as sold for you and then privately make arrangements with you for payment (probably bank transfer if you’re known to me, and by another secure method if not) and delivery. Everything is very busy, especially in my head, and I’m very tired – especially in my head. So I might be a little bit slow getting to your comment or messages, and I check out all the places when I can remember what all the places are again.
This is it so, the end of the affair. You’ve been wonderful. Many paintings have sold and I’ll be contacting people for days following up. And some paintings are still available – so please feel free to spread word of those ones (perhaps they’re easier to see on my website rather than the clunky scrolling of Facebook) If you do comment on my website your very first comment will be held for my approval.
I’ll do a follow up post tomorrow when my eyes are working again and my head remembers how to function.
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