Landscape shaped crop of square painting. Gap between two large pale rock formations through which a dark purple road wends with orange grass on either side until it reaches narrow stips of purple and orange fields near the horizon. Sky is cloudy yellow.

Painting: Kansas West

Kansas West
On canvas, 12″ x 12″ x 1.5″ (30 cm x 30 cm x 3 cm)

€275 (+ shipping of €13 to Ireland, €18 to UK, and €22 rest of the world)

Square format in painterly acrylics. View through rocky pass of violet road descending through orange grass then bending to the right where it meets a purple area on the right and it bends to left before disappearing into horizon of a very narrow orange strip with narrower sections of purple. The sky is yellow with paler yellow marks and hints of pale green. Large rock either side of pass are white to cream with dark blue horizontal fissures and crevices. Signed top right Liam Daly '10
Kansas West

This is a scene from my solo bicycle trip across America. It’s out in the centre of west Kansas looking back to the north through the stony bluffy hills I’d just climbed up. People unfamiliar with the state of Kansas think it’s flat as a pancake, but they’re unaware of the Flint Hills or the rolling fields in the southeast of the state, or even out west on the Plains where you find bluffy hills like this where two sections of the plains on different levels meet. Incidentally I once read a blogpost that proved Kansas was not flatter than a pancake though personally I think they would have needed to have used a Kansas-sized frying pan to truly compare.

If you’ve cycled for days in the corn, milo, and grasses of Nebraska and Kansas only going on roads that go due west and due south for ever, and of course always straight, well even the sight of a bend in the road like this is magnificent, let alone an actual hill. So I stared back at this one knowing full well one day I would paint it. And I love it, and nobody else ever has.

If you would like to purchase this give me a shout – in the comments or elsewhere – and I’ll contact you to make arrangements for payment and delivery.





2 responses to “Painting: Kansas West”

  1. Brian Donohoe avatar

    Dear Liam – I bought two paintings from you in about 2008 when i was living in Dallas and just back visiting my family in Dublin. I since moved back to Ireland from 2015-2020 but moved back to USA and now about to return to my native land. Thinking about your work again and would love to invite you down to Kinsale and perhaps take a bike ride out to the Old Head Light House and commission a painting from you! Not sure that is in your travel schedule or if you are flexible for such. I bought a landscape of Kinsale harbor and a small one The Sugar Loaf – Van G style but in your own very distinguishable style.

    1. Liam avatar

      Brian, good to hear from you – and apologies for taking so long to see your comment. I remember your visit to that old studio well, and those two paintings your bought – the long panorama of Kinsale harbour and portrait of Sugar Loaf. I have very little flexibility these days due to my domestic arrangement, and my cycling has been very limited due to arthritis in my knees – but certainly if I could get down to Kinsale I would love that. It’s been too long. Thanks very much for getting in touch.

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