Landscape format in ink lines and water colours and other water media. In a green grassed park is a low stone monument of two curved walls overlapping each other to make a kind of circle. Largely painted in blue and grey. Behind it on edge of the park are three tall large dark trees of no foliage, and behind them and black railings we see across the river to the large industrial silos that make up the brewery behind the wall.

Croppies Acre & Guinnesses (Dublin)

“Croppies Acre and Guinnesses”, (Dublin)

Mixed media painting

On paper, 29.7 cm x 21 cm (11.7″ x 8.25″).

Price €185 (+ €13 Registered post to Ireland; €18 P&P to rest of world) 
Update: SOLD

Here we are again. Kind of. In that you know I love Dublin’s quays and this work features two of them – Wolfe Tone Quay on the northside, and Victoria Quay on the southside. But it’s more a celebration of what’s in off those quays – the Croppies Acre Memorial Park and across the river the seemingly ever changing Guinness brewery as it was. Because I liked it as it was. And I liked what was done to the Croppies Acre. I mean, stones – y’know? And I used to think trees would last forever but I’m older now, and realise I have to paint everything before it disappears.

UPDATE: This painting is now SOLD.
If you’d like to buy this painting shout and then I’ll contact you to make arrangements – payment by bank transfer or cash and delivery/collection.






One response to “Croppies Acre & Guinnesses (Dublin)”

  1. Liam avatar

    UPDATE: This painting is now SOLD.

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