“Croppies Acre and Guinnesses”, (Dublin)
Mixed media painting
On paper, 29.7 cm x 21 cm (11.7″ x 8.25″).
Price €185 (+ €13 Registered post to Ireland; €18 P&P to rest of world)
Update: SOLD
Here we are again. Kind of. In that you know I love Dublin’s quays and this work features two of them – Wolfe Tone Quay on the northside, and Victoria Quay on the southside. But it’s more a celebration of what’s in off those quays – the Croppies Acre Memorial Park and across the river the seemingly ever changing Guinness brewery as it was. Because I liked it as it was. And I liked what was done to the Croppies Acre. I mean, stones – y’know? And I used to think trees would last forever but I’m older now, and realise I have to paint everything before it disappears.
UPDATE: This painting is now SOLD.
If you’d like to buy this painting shout and then I’ll contact you to make arrangements – payment by bank transfer or cash and delivery/collection.
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